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LBW & Coastal Forest Products Apprenticeship Formed

October 01, 2021

Pictured from left are LBW President, Dr. Brock Kelley; Coastal Forest Products Site HR Manager, Kristy Brown; LBW Dean of Workforce Development & Strategic Initiatives, Jennifer Hall; Alabama Office of Apprenticeship Region 5 & 6 Project Manager, Tawanna Robinson.
LBW Community College formalized a partnership with Coastal Forest Products in Chapman, AL to provide apprenticeship opportunities to Diesel Technician students.

“Coastal is excited to partner with LBW, Opp Campus for the Diesel Mechanic Apprenticeship,” said Brown. “The Diesel Apprenticeship will allow us to develop and prepare our workforce to obtain paid work experience coupled with classroom instruction, while earning a portable, nationally-recognized credential. We are proud to have this program in place and look forward to providing the necessary on-the-job training to ensure the overall success of our student.”

“LBW’s newest registered program meets a massive workforce demand for diesel mechanics,” added Robinson. “The AOA is proud to partner with LBW & Coastal Forest Products to launch this program which will meet the needs of industry, provide employees with a rewarding career pathway and benefit the local community.”