
Withdrawal Procedures

A student may withdraw from a course or all courses without a grade penalty up to fourteen (14) days prior to the first day of final exams for the fall and spring terms. For the summer term, students may withdraw from classes up to seven (7) days prior to the first day of final exams for each session.

The final dates for official withdrawal for each full term and mini terms are listed on the Academic Calendar.

Steps for a Partial Withdrawal 

  1.  Meet with instructor(s) prior to withdrawing for class.
  2.  Login to myLBWCC.
  3.  Click on Open Registration Dashboard.
  4.  Click on Register for Classes.
  5.  Select term and continue.
  6.  Locate Summary box on the Find Classes tab (bottom right).
  7.  Locate the class you want to withdraw from.
  8.  Under the Action column, select Web Withdrawal and submit.

Steps for a Complete Withdrawal (this form may also be used for partial withdrawal if a hold is preventing withdrawal)

  1. Meet with instructor(s) prior to completing the withdrawal form.
  2. Complete and submit the Online Withdrawal Form.
  3. If you have any outstanding debts with the Business Office, you will be notified via email or mail to pay those outstanding fees before you can return the next semester.