
Lurleen B. Wallace Community College

Contact: Associate Dean of Instructional and Information Technology

Part 1: The plan to effectively combat copyright infringement

1-1. Link to relevant Web page(s)

1-2. What technology-based deterrent(s) have you decided to use?

Lurleen B. Wallace Community College (LBWCC) uses a Cisco ASA firewall application for content filtering capabilities to block peer-to-peer application and bit torrent activity. Also used is bandwidth shaping to throttle general HTTP traffic, IP Logging, and P2P and bit torrent filtering on our primary switches as well.

1-3. What mechanism(s) are you using to educate your community?

At the beginning of fall semester, faculty and staff are emailed a notice regarding copyright law and the relevant LBWCC Information Technology policies. In the email, recipients are referred to a set of webpages dealing with file sharing, the consequences of violating the DMCA copyright and legal alternatives for media. All new students at LBWCC go through an orientation process where they receive a copy of the LBWCC College Catalog and Student Handbook which contains the information regarding copyright infringement.. This same information is included as a part of the Freshman Orientation course that all students are required to take at LBWCC.

1-4. What procedures are you using for handling unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material (e.g., monitoring, sanctions, etc.)?

Investigate instances that we discover through network traffic discovery (High Bandwidth) or computer discovery.

For notices of copyright infringement we do the following:

Any employee that receives a copyright infringement notice (Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), Universal, etc;) for the first time must will meet with the Associate Dean of Instructional and Information Technology. All parties will discuss the ramifications of copyright violations in the LBWCC Acceptable Use Policy and the LBWCC Copyrighted Materials and Higher Education Act Copyright Compliance Information. If a student or guest receives a copyright notice they will meet with the Associate Dean of Instructional and Information Technology and the Dean of Student Affairs. All parties will review the LBWCC Acceptable Use Policy, LBWCC Copyrighted Materials and Higher Education Act Copyright Compliance Information and what happens based on the Student Code of Conduct. Repeat student offenders are referred to the Dean of Student Affairs. Repeat faculty and staff offenders are referred to Human Resources.

LBWCC also has the Acceptable Use Policy and the Copyrighted Materials and Higher Education Act Copyright Compliance Information included in the College Catalog, website, and in the Freshman Orientation Course.

1-5. How are you periodically reviewing the plan? What criteria are you using to determine if it is effectively combating copyright infringement?

The plan will be reviewed annually. LBWCC will determine its effectiveness by monitoring the amount of LBWCC copyright infringement abuse tickets, DMCA notices received and internal incidents, and student feedback from information security communications.

Part 2: Offering Alternatives

2-1. Link to relevant Web page(s)

2-2. Are you carrying out your own survey of alternatives or linking to one or more lists maintained by others? If the latter, which list(s)?

See Above.

2-3. Have you made any special arrangements with one or more content providers to obtain content through legal methods?

No. LBWCC uses alternatives provided.

Part 3: Informing the Community

3-1. Link to relevant Web page(s)

3-2. Have you developed your own statement regarding copyright and copyright law in general or are you linking to such statement(s) maintained by others? If the latter, which statement(s)?

LBWCC developed the following statement.

Illegal file sharing is not viewed lightly. Not only is it against the law, illegal file sharing is considered a violation of the LBWCC Acceptable Use Policy. You are committing a crime and violating LBWCC policy if you:

  1. download and/or distribute (share) copyrighted material(s) without permission from the copyright holder, or
  2. allow someone else to use a computer or device registered in your name to download and/or distribute (share) copyrighted material(s) without permission from the copyright holder.

Also reference the U.S. Copyright Office.