
Employee Shout-Out

Did an LBWCC employee do something that deserves praise and recognition? Complete this Shout-Out form to say thank you or to simply acknowledge the great work they've done! There is no limit to how many times you can say thanks or great job

What is a Shout Out? A Shout Out is a special recognition that acknowledges an LBWCC employee who has demonstrated a special effort, an outstanding job, a project of high-quality workmanship and/or is helping students create positive futures for themselves and their community.

Who can submit a Shout Out? Any LBWCC employee.

Who can receive a Shout Out? Any employee of Lurleen B. Wallace Community College. Every instructor, administrator, and staff member is an important part of our team.

Please fill out the form below and briefly explain why this employee deserves recognition.  Once you complete this form, it will be forwarded to the Human Resources office and the individual you wish to recognize.

* indicates required field

Please select the box below indicating whether or not you wish to include your name in the submission.
Thank You For:*